Sunday, September 5, 2010

Discontinued Products

So I am at the store on Saturday looking for my Scrubbing Bubbles Wipes as this tool is something my teens can handle as they clean the bathroom and they are NO WHERE to be found on the shelf.  This disappoints me greatly as I have a $.55 off COUPON for them!  As I am discussing this issue with my husband an employee walks by and says "oh, they discontinued that in August so we took them off the shelf and put them on the cart in the back of the store."  I hurried back there to find 1 container left.  I leave the store with my one container and now wonder which product I will use.

I really enjoyed this product... have you had products that you use that have been discontinued and you then had to switch to something new?  Let me know your thoughts... I am wondering if it is worthy of a call to the company to complain.

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